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Anorectal hospital, points out that external piles is located at the anus marginal, hangzhou anorectal hospital patients to see good place, usually cannot inside anus, if crammed into, very simple form lumps hyperemia, swelling, the status of the present when defecate haemorrhage, is caused by waste repeat resistance, blood loss, without any pain, then empress can see drops of blood on the toilet paper.
二、由于便秘、大便燥结杭州肛肠医院哪里好,易挤伤痔核致使痔疮便血,患者往往尽量强忍不方便,使大便愈加单调,如此往复,构成恶性循环。 >>>有疑问,请点击咨询在线医生Due to constipation, defecate dry knot hangzhou anorectal hospital where good, easy against haemorrhoids cause hemorrhoids hematochezia, patients often try to suppress inconvenient, make defecate more drab, so on, form a vicious circle. > > > have any questions, please click on online consulting experts
四、痔疮便血在肛门处的分泌物不只会污染内裤,还会引起瘙痒、湿疹等肛周疾病,关于女性患者,还将导致一些妇科疾病。And crissum diseases such as eczema, about women, will also cause some disease of department of gynaecology.