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  痔疮重复产生的根柢性原因在于痔疮的出现和生活习惯密切相关,一同也与人体的生理特点、肠道肛门疾病有联络。之所以一些人不会被内痔疮糟蹋,关键是他们有超卓的生活作风,杭州肛肠医院那好呢以及对健康的注重,为此,我们防范痔疮的话也可以从这方面下手,不过首先要了解痔疮恢复后为什么还会产生的具体原因?Hemorrhoids repeated roots sex in their cause is closely related to the occurrence of hemorrhoids and habits, together with the body's physiological characteristics, anal diseases have a contact in the gut. Is some one who is, won't be in the piles spoils, the key is they have a remarkable life style, as well as to the health of attention, to this end, we prevent hemorrhoids can also from this aspect, but the first thing to understand hemorrhoids after restoring the exact reasons for why will produce?








1, the anal sphincter pressure:
The particularity of risk hemorrhoids, chose the anal sphincter cannot under high load for a long time, otherwise it may lead to hemorrhoids. Clinical encounter more, can cause anal sphincter pressure with constipation, the elements of long standing, sitting, defecate time is long, and so on, so we have to realize that some harm, try not to make muscle force, induce hemorrhoids.
2, the influence of unhealthy food:
When it comes to unhealthy food, maybe some people don't know how to distinguish the food is good or bad, but about some common sense, most people are understanding, just like spicy food, like chili, garlic, Chinese prickly ash, greasy food such as Fried dough sticks, Fried chicken, KFC, barbecue, and so on, spicy food not only affect the gastrointestinal tract, cause congestion, inflammation, caused by constipation, greasy foods can also affect the stomach digestion, and the intestinal absorption of nutrition, as the end of the digestive system, rectum and anus will briefly suffered various influence for the onset of hemorrhoids inside "lay the foundation.
3, the anus bowel disease impact:
Usual mild diarrhea, anal pain, anal pruritus won't cause our attention, but expert clew, the symptoms of these small often heralds a big disease, just not completely forget it, make a little ornament to deceive your mind. As we know, anorectal diseases, common anal fissure, anal fistula, proctitis, colitis, intestinal polyp, refreshing crissum abscess due to a person, these diseases directly or can be directly into each other, assume that allow arbitrary extension a disease, it will suffer from hemorrhoids is sooner or later.






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