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  Anorectal hospital points out: hemorrhoids are produced, hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital about hemorrhoids patients due to produce full days and there is a direct link between diet, hemorrhoids is a demand of patients heal, with piles of long-term, various would happen. Root piles of cent, will constitute the emergence of other anorectal diseases patients heal is inevitable. When there are piles of cent, must to professional hospital cure, alleviate hemorrhoids.









Anorectal hospital points out: hemorrhoids are produced, hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital about hemorrhoids patients due to produce full days and there is a direct link between diet, hemorrhoids is a demand of patients heal, with piles of long-term, various would happen. Root piles of cent, will constitute the emergence of other anorectal diseases patients heal is inevitable. When there are piles of cent, must to professional hospital cure, alleviate hemorrhoids.
Piles of cent, hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital about hemorrhoids is what causes:
1, irregular diet, eating the most easily lead to hemorrhoids.
2, sedentary people most likely to produce hemorrhoids, hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital about hemorrhoids produce such people the most prone to hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids favorite sedentary long the station.
3, don't like coarse, follow the development of the society, people increasingly added to the requirement of diet, especially for fine food, so the most easily lead to hemorrhoids.
4, the toilet is not correct, hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital about hemorrhoids have some people like to take toilet paper may be mobile, hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital about hemorrhoids have this add toilet, so conducive to defecate, and then lead to hemorrhoids.
5, the most important point is the people like eating spicy excitant food, than the other conditions are more likely to produce.
Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital about hemorrhoids - piles is not incurable diseases, patients just heal vivid can disconnect between piles. Patients do not always delay the development of the piles, the cure is the disconnect between the key of hemorrhoids.


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