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  Anorectal hospital, said that because you may be no greater attention early hemorrhoids, hangzhou medical bo anus tai crissum abscess in the hospital - didn't go to normal hospital for treatment, perhaps regardless, suffering might go to a pharmacy to take some anti-inflammatory drugs such as to relieve the suffering, to indolence is no matter. Actually loathsome is that tumors in patients with a warning. Hemorrhoids is not small, must strengthen the attention. Even early hemorrhoids assumes no symptomatic treatment, drug only take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure. For a long time, will also aggravate the condition of hemorrhoids.



  1, cause blood clots, tumors can be divided into three kinds of hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoid and mixed hemorrhoid, etc. Assumption is hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids prolapse can be collected to the anus. Can lead to emergence, haemorrhoids become hard and suffering. Then form thrombus.

2, cause crissum abscess: because of hemorrhoids discharging, the flow of mucus on the skin around the anus constitute the influence and impact, and then constitute crissum abscess.
3, anemia: hemorrhoids primary symptoms is defecate haemorrhage. Long time defecate haemorrhage can make their own blood for losing speed too fast, its rehabilitation is not so fast, and then lead to anemia. Severe anemia can bleeding, virtual body, often without the god, general weakness, etc. Characteristics.
4, anus periderm skin ulceration, stink: long discharging, no treatment, makes the anus has a stench, assume that clean and do not pay attention to, bacterial infections will constitute the anus skin lesions, etc.
May cause other diseases, infections, discharging to the anus infection, assume that do not pay attention to, are bacteria breeding, and other anorectal diseases. Such as anal fistula, enteritis, etc.
Electronic anorectal anorectal hospital mirrors
Our hospital used besides the physician examined dre and see just, also using electronic anorectal mirror treatment equipment, according to the electronic anorectal mirror with medical video camera technology, on both sides of the patient in the process of view can be clearly observed with focal areas of extension, can also be collected images of anorectal internal deep lesion and real-time diagnosis, let the patient clearly understand the illness, help patients select treatment, avoid the traditional artificial view, constitute shortage condition delays.











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