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  Hangzhou bo anus tai hospital normal? 0 we all should know hemorrhoids is a kind of very throughout of anorectal diseases, once sick patients, suffering. Some people suffering from hemorrhoids sorry to hospital to see and to heal. Little imagine, hemorrhoids assumptions allow don't cure will bring great harm to patients, and to understand the symptoms of hemorrhoids is conducive to the introspection and healing of patients.









1, bloody: many early hemorrhoids hematochezia symptoms, but not every time defecate haemorrhage, general dry stool is common. Bloody eruption hemorrhage, a little bleeding, hands tape such as blood, and blood red, general external piles can not cause bleeding.
2, defecate difficulty: after patients suffering from hemorrhoids, defecation pain, so afraid of defecation, durable endure it, more hard stool, aggravating pain during defecation, which in turn increase constipation, then caused the bowel habits in disorder, increase the defecation difficulties.
3, hernia, hernia is middle-late symptoms of hemorrhoids. First because hemorrhoids haemorrhoids nodules increases, make mucous membrane and mucous membrane and anal layer separation at the local level. When defecate, hemorrhoids nodules can drop to the dentate line, free from the anal canal.
4, falling pain: hemorrhoids patients generally work, no pain no inflammation, hypothesis, incarcerated hemorrhoids infection happened and strangulation necrosis, patients may feel severe falling pain.
5, the anus wet and itch: after the occurrence of hemorrhoids, patients often feel the anus wet and itching. Hemorrhoids inflammation swelling increased waste or hemorrhoids prolapse of the anus, affect large intestinal discharge a lot of mucus, mucus out the slack of anal canal, therefore cause wet and itching. External hemorrhoid generally no waste, only when the external piles inflammation, skin ulcers, increased inflammatory feces, anus often wet, but this kind of situation, often accompanied by anal pain.
6, anal pain, anal weeks of nervous system is developed, and sharp, affected after suffering is easy to occur. Generally characterized by slight pain, tingling, burning pain, swelling, etc.


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