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  Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital is normal? Anorectal hospital is introduced: hemorrhoids hypothesis for a long time not to treat, very short cause all sorts of serious complications, and defecate haemorrhage is meantime a complication, but dismay, didn't go to active treatment with own defecate haemorrhage, probably because patients hasn't realized the harm of stool hemorrhoids bleeding.



  痔疮是一种发病较高的常见疾病,杭州医博肛泰医院是正规的吗俗话就有 “ 十人九痔 ” 一说。痔疮首要分为内痔、外痔和混合痔三种,它是直肠上下静脉丛曲张构成的团块,排便时通常会因摩擦决裂而出血。一开始许多患者并不把这点血当一回事,但长时间便血后,患者的健康就会受到了严峻的影响。



  肛肠医院的电子肛门镜是现在集电子数码追踪、定位、杭州医博肛泰医院是正规的吗冻住于一体的超导光肛肠镜8毫米的柔韧超导光纤,打破传统肛肠检查的盲区 ,将肠道内深层细小病变扩展几十倍,医生团队亲自操作,对肠道内病变安排做活检、息肉等手术,抵达诊治结合之目的, 开创了肛肠病深层检测、有用治疗的新时代。

Time hemorrhoids hematochezia can lead to anemia? About hemorrhoids bleeding a lot!
Hemorrhoids is a high incidence of common diseases, they have "ten nine hemorrhoids" say. Hemorrhoids first divided into three kinds of hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoid and mixed hemorrhoid, it is the rectum and venous plexus consisting of varicose mass, usually because of friction during defecation rupture and bleeding. At first many patients do not have this blood when one thing, but for a long time after the bloody, the patient's health will be affected by the serious.
Repeat frequently when defecate bleeding hemorrhoids patients, briefly make lose a lot of iron in the body, cause iron-deficiency anemia. This is because under normal circumstances the iron absorption and excretion of balance, and bloody increases the quantity of iron loss. If the stool for a long time, lost a lot of iron, the amount of iron in the body below the normal, can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Because of hemorrhoids bleeding caused by iron deficiency anemia, generally slow development, the early can no symptoms or subtle symptoms, anemia will appear when the heavier pale, disgust fatigue, loss of appetite, heart palpitations, shortness of breath after heart rate and brawn, edema, etc., some patients and even can be nervous system symptoms such as easily excited, excited, be agitated, etc.
How to check the cause of bloody symptoms?
Anorectal hospital anus mirror is now set electronic digital tracking, positioning, frozen in the integration of superconducting light anorectal 8 mm flexible superconducting optical fiber lens, break traditional colonoscopies blind spots, extends deep small intestinal lesions dozens of times, the doctor team personally operation, the arrangement of intestinal lesions biopsy and polyp surgery, arrived in the diagnosis and treatment in combination with the purpose of, created the deep anorectal disease detection, a new era of useful treatment.


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