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  Hangzhou medical external hemorrhoids, anus tai hospital. Hemorrhoids damage to human body? There is because there is fruit, so what is the "fruit" hemorrhoids? That damage the health of the body, heal hemorrhoids damage is still relatively large, so about the piles to early treatment. Hemorrhoids is one of the anorectal diseases, is still a kind of incidence of a disease is higher. Hemorrhoids patients in life, this is because the tumors can occur in all ages.


  痔疮对人体的损害?痔疮的损害是很大的。杭州医博肛泰医院外痔疮医生说道,痔疮的症状除了肛门出血外,还有脱出、肛门瘙痒、肛门坠胀、肛门痛苦等等,这些症状长时刻影响着肛门,久而久之就会对身体构成很短损害。下面听听 肛肠医院医生的介绍:




  提示: 肛肠医院针对患者的需求,杭州医博肛泰医院外痔疮-推出了“男女分诊”“夜门诊”等特征服务,有疾病或问诊需求的市民,能够 在线咨询

Hemorrhoids damage to human body? Piles of damage is very big. Said the doctor, the symptoms of hemorrhoids, except anal bleeding and emergence, anal SAO is urticant, anal belly, anal pain, and so on, these symptoms for a long time affect the anus, over time will form a short damage to the body. Below to hear anorectal hospital doctors is introduced:
Hemorrhoids or aggravating constipation, obesity, dark skin, etc. Long time emerging blocked the anus, increased the difficulty of defecation, always keep the feces accumulate in the body for too long, waste water is absorbed in, the more the more simple form of constipation.
Due to the adjacent piles are long in the anus, woman's private parts is very close, hemorrhoids mucus out of long time and even affects to the private parts, or will induce a series of department of gynaecology inflammation; Some even into the blood stream, sepsis, sepsis, more terrible pain.
Because of the influence of hemorrhoids haemorrhoids constantly anal substantial nerve area adjacent to the body mucous is allowed to flow out continuously, then the pollution underwear, lead to the anus itching. Especially after sleeping at night, itching worse!
Tip: according to the need of patients with anorectal hospital, launched the "triage" men and women "night outpatient service" and so on the characteristic service, have disease or specific needs citizens, can online advice


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