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Recently received a patient counseling "hangzhou medical prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids, anus tai hospital?" Related problems, so we invited anorectal hospital "cold cough also will cause haemorrhoid?" To introduce knowledge for everyone.

  近不断接到患者咨询“杭州医博肛泰医院防治痔疮?”的相关问题,为此咱们特邀 肛肠医院就“伤风咳嗽也会致痔疮?”的知识给大家介绍一下。

  肛肠医院特别指出,杭州医博肛泰医院防治痔疮冬天气温低下,日夜温差逐步拉大,随之而来则是胃肠外科、看痔疮的患者又初步增多。 :秋冬天是痔疮高发时节,多喝水、多摄入瓜果能有用防范,此外,还应警觉伤风咳嗽引起的痔疮。



  此外, 杭州医博肛泰医院防治痔疮特别提示,冬天还应分外留神伤风咳嗽所引发的痔疮。听上去伤风咳嗽好像和痔疮不相关,实际上跟着上呼吸道感染的产生,引发咳嗽症状,就可能引起腹压增高,而腹压增高则会导致痔疮产生,这是人体内一系列的连锁反应。






Each year for fall and winter days is haemorrhoid peak time. Analysis there are many reasons, in the summer fruit variety, high temperature climate and people love to eat more fruit, but into the autumn and winter days, hemorrhoids "old and the sick" to reduce the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables than summer, therefore may add opportunities of recurrent hemorrhoids. In addition, the climate is monotonous, the patient if water shortage, defecate is dry out, which can also lead to hemorrhoids comeback.
In addition, special clew, should also be particularly careful in winter colds cough caused by hemorrhoids. Sounds cold cough seems to be completely unrelated hemorrhoids, and actually followed the upper respiratory tract infection, cough, it may cause abdominal pressure increased, while increased abdominal pressure can lead to hemorrhoids, this is a series of chain reaction in the body.
Once produced anorectal department unwell, good for anorectal hospital in time. In the three periods of hemorrhoids, external piles inflammatory external piles, thrombus sex external piles, connective tissue sex external piles, etc., needs surgery to cure. Other piles should be condition ", use different ways to heal.
Guard: eat without finishing processing of corn, potato!
Can also be in autumn and winter days section adopts the following method to prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids:
One, drink water more, eat more crude fiber food, drink water to soften the intestines of move bowels, crude fiber food can promote intestinal peristalsis, help defecation. Crude fiber foods include vegetables, fruit and grains without finishing processing, potato and so on.
Second, more activities, not sedentary: sit up activities for 5 minutes, 45 minutes can usefully relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids. Also don't long station, long standing weight can also cause venous congestion. Don't scratch the site, the position of hemorrhoids sometimes itchy, don't go to scratch, once the scratch broken, would amount to a infection, also can aggravate the condition.




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