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  Hangzhou medical bo anus tai hospital is public hospital, anorectal hospital is introduced: hemorrhoids, the diseases occur frequently in our life, but many friends even realize the frequent sex disease, oneself also not adopt relevant measures to guard against the disease appeared on his body, so we want to understand the disease, is bound to the solution about what causes happens.

杭州医博肛泰医院是公立医院吗-肛肠医院介绍:痔疮,咱们生活中频频出现的疾病,可是许多的朋友即使是认识到这种疾病的频发性,自己也没有采用相关的措施来防备这种疾病出现在自己的身体上,所以咱们要想了解这种疾病,必定要了 解一下是什么原因导致出现了这种情况。

  1, constipation: constipation defecate often boring hard, YuJi, squeezing the rectum and sigmoid colon, cause bowel problems, squat toilet is too long and hard to earn, increase abdominal pressure into hemorrhoids.

Two long, long standing, sitting, squatting, because of lack of venous valve professional elements and rectal vein, a shallow thin wall and rectal submucosal tissue lax, make easily hemorrhoid venous plexus varicose and anal cushion down haemorrhoids.
Section 3, eating poor eating habits, eating too much too full, partial eclipse, Fried meat, Fried and spicy stimulation food, eat fruits and vegetables, less than a wet hot, warm, bet the anus, congestion burning pain, cause hemorrhoids.
4, defecate methods: meaning is squatting toilet, defecate platoon net by one-time bowel movement for a bowel movement, by two or more than two bowel movements talent defecate platoon net for stemming for many times. Discussion indicate a bowel movement, defecation time under 9 minutes, the main production rate is low, many bowel movements, defecation time beyond 10 minutes, the generation of hemorrhoids rate above 70%. Some people smoking and addicted to read newspapers and magazines during defecation or novel, greatly extended the defecation time, so the hemorrhoid venous plexus injury effect is 10 times the time is short and defecate normal bowel habit.
5, other: long diarrhea, chronic cough, old, weak, weakness and fatigue for a long time or childbirth women pregnancy, menstruation to be not moved, etc as main development are bound to contact.








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