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  Hangzhou public hospital medical bo anus tai hospital, anorectal hospital is introduced: in fact, for the treatment of hemorrhoids demand is relatively serious, on fundamental, it should be cleaning the pathogenic factors of patients, according to different types, choose the treatment method, rather than a single treatment, of course, if it is early condition, also is not very serious on this request. Below, the treatment of hemorrhoids method is described in detail:


  Slender hemorrhoids patients medication, comprehensive medical part is given priority to, general outside than orally. Due to oral medications can soften the shit, and cannot be directly for hemorrhoids illness to treat, can have a relief effect, also is "take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure".

According to different conditions of hemorrhoids patients, medication is different. Piles of cardiovascular disease patients, to eat more of huoxue huayu drug treatment, again after don't oral bleeding. With piles of pregnant mother don't use drug treatment containing musk, because the development of fetal transship, serious or even cause miscarriage. Diabetes patients with hemorrhoids topical antibiotic (bacteria) as far as possible the suppository. A lot of people are not sure the rules of hemorrhoids medicine, habits in the toilet, toilet use lotion can disinfect the wound further, then coated with paste "more secure".
Correct medication should be before then, the intent is to reduce stool conflict of rectum, may reduce bleeding. Other note, when using drugs, be sure to adjust the original owe good habits, do daily cleaning anus, serious after cleaning the toilet. Get on time defecate, the good habit of punctuality rest, light diet.
Now, the first is a minimally invasive surgical treatment of hemorrhoids treatment skill as the foundation, of course, the cost of treatment is relatively high, is not to say, just take the surgery treatment, can guard against the repeated recurrence, should have meet the correct understanding about this.


  针对不同病况的痔疮患者,用药各有不同。关于心血管疾病的痔疮患者,杭州医博肛泰医院公立医院吗要多吃活血化淤的药后再进行治疗,不要口服止血。 患有痔疮的孕妈妈不要用含有麝香的药物进行治疗,由于对胎儿的发育倒运,严重者甚至引起流产。糖尿病的痔疮患者尽量外用抗生(菌)素药栓。很多人都没有把握痔疮用药的规矩,习气在便后用药,杭州医博肛泰医院公立医院吗认为便后运用洗剂可以对疮口进一步消毒,再涂上膏剂“更牢靠”。





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