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  Because piles of this part is private, and people will whitewash psychology, many times could lead to hemorrhoids treatment to miss a good opportunity, because of bad hemorrhoids happen repeatedly put together many patients will be asked a question is, will hemorrhoids lesions? Can lead to disease?



Don't have to worry hemorrhoids hemorrhoids patients lesions, happens because of hemorrhoids is a arteriolar, veins, and disease is epithelial, rectal mucosa malignant change happened, so, hemorrhoids are not lesions. Tumors are benign lesions, and it is hiding anything, this is why many patients on piles. But for a long time suffer from hemorrhoids can also cause adverse consequences, such as the emergence, swelling pain, constipation, fall bilge feeling, always have a sense of meaning is, etc., one of the most serious of anemia.
Early tumors such as lost, will be gradually developed into the second, third or even fourth period, haemorrhoids from the anus. Then, feces or mucus flow automatically, can't control, pollution of the anus, anal pruritus. Because the haemorrhoids are always exposed, sometimes will form a bacterial infection, cause sore unwell, what the card in the mouth, anus ischemic necrosis, severe pain, that is "incarcerated hemorrhoid".
Piles will not occur lesions, but clinical common to some patients with hemorrhoids mergers anorectal disease. Some discussion showed that have anal fistula, anal fissure, anal sinusitis, crissum abscess and those patients with a history of hemorrhoids, have higher incidence of anorectal disease, is thought to be due to slow the disease inflammatory secretions from anorectal and for a long time. So find hemorrhoids and other anorectal diseases should be timely treatment, in order to nip in the bud.
According to clinical manifestations, although not hemorrhoids lesions occur but hemorrhoids if durability treatment can lead to other complications of anorectal diseases, there are also may cause the anorectal disease. So for the piles must be caused take seriously, cure of as soon as possible.






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