End anorectal hospital showed that human rectal submucosal and anal canal skin venous plexus expansion and winding of soft vein group, called the hemorrhoid, also called hemorrhoids, haemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, etc.
肛肠医院表明:人体直肠结束粘膜下和肛管皮肤下静脉丛产生扩张和委曲所构成的柔软静脉团,称为痔,又叫痔疮 、痔核、痔病、痔疾等。
Common causes of hemorrhoids disease factors are:
1, anatomy reason: when the person is standing or seat, anal rectum is located in the lower part, because of gravity, viscera and feces squeezed, venous reflux popular up obstacles, winding that brief expansion, hemorrhoids.
2, genetic contact: congenital thin vein wall, resistance decrease, can't tolerate pressure within the blood vessels, thus gradually expanding.
3, homework contact: some homework crowd demand long standing or sitting or load for a long time travel, affect the venous return, make the pelvic congestion in the blood stream is slow and internal organs, the cause of excessive hemorrhoid venous filling, venous wall tension, expand blood vessel briefly blood stasis. And because of the lack of movement, intestinal peristalsis, feces descending slowly, or habitual constipation, lead to hemorrhoids.
Section 4, part and eating: the anus department form cold, heat, constipation, diarrhea, excessive drinking and eating spicy food, can affect the anus and rectum, make hyperaemia of hemorrhoid venous plexus, affect the venous blood backflow, so that decreased venous wall resistance.
5, the anal vein pressure heighten: due to liver cirrhosis, liver congestion and heart function of compensatory not congruent, all can make the anus venous congestion, increased pressure, rectal venous blood backflow.
6, intra-abdominal pressure added: because of abdominal swollen liu, uterus liu, ovarian swollen liu, obesity, prostate pregnancy, diet too full or squat toilet too long, can make the intra-abdominal pressure to add, obstruction of venous blood backflow.