Hangzhou medical science external hemorrhoids, anus tai hospital? Haemorrhoids located inside anal mucosa called hemorrhoids, medial to the anus, mouth nearby called external piles, both some called mixed hemorrhoid. Performance was, pain, bloody and severe hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids block will protrude outside the anus (prolapse), after defecate to retract. A high incidence of hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids patients after treatment with surgery or other treatment, the recurrence rate is high. Investigate its reason, in addition to the treatment is not completely, do not pay attention to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids, is also the first element.
1, anal cushion down theory: under the mucous membrane of anal canal with a layer of annular vein (or venous sinus), smooth muscle and elastic tubing arrangement and connective, arrangement of blood vessels pads, hereinafter referred to as "anal cushion". A closed anal canal, temperance defecation function. Under normal circumstances, anal cushion loose adhesion on the anal muscle, downward pressure on top during defecation was pushed to the defecation borrow its shortened, back in the anal canal. Elastic function weakened retraction, anal pad hyperemia, down hemorrhoid.
2, varicose veins theory: from the point of view of anatomy, the anal vein system and its branch rectal vein free vein flap of blood sedimentation easily and make the vein expansion, coupled with a rectal upper and lower venous plexus thin wall, a shallow, low resistance, the end of the rectal submucosal arrangement and lax, is conducive to vein expansion, if combined with the elements of vein is blocked, such as constipation, obesity in pregnancy, prostate and pelvic cavity often large tumor, etc., can make the rectum twists and turns into a hemorrhoid venous return obstruction and expansion. Anal gland and crissum infection can also cause inflammation around vein, venous lose elasticity and expansion into hemorrhoid.
3, genetic theory: hemorrhoids is genetic, now no one in the right basis, hemorrhoids patients often clan history, may be related to food, bowel habit and environment. Such as villages in Africa suffer from hemorrhoids is a rare, may be associated with high fiber food diet. Now, in the developed world eating high-fiber diet, in addition to prevent the occurrence of colorectal cancer, also can reduce the incidence of hemorrhoids.
What are the symptoms?
Anorectal hospital warm prompt: if you have symptoms of suspected, please timely to normal hospital cleaning or treatment, so as not to lose time.