Hangzhou bo anus tai hospital about external hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids because of varicose vein plexus happen at the end of the rectum after forming a kind of disease. Station in life, long sedentary, long constipation, eating too much influence and so on all is very easy to cause the occurrence of hemorrhoids, when you find you have the following happens, to alert hemorrhoids.
1, stay in the intestinal constipation constipation because waste time is too long in the inside of the waste water which is absorbed, and then cause waste of dry, hard to defecation. For a long time easy to cause the constipation patients defecation time, and then induce hemorrhoids.
2, defecate haemorrhage defecate haemorrhage is the main symptoms of hemorrhoids, if you find yourself have defecate bleeding, must alert hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids bleeding is painless, intermittent, color bright red and not mixed with waste.
3, haemorrhoids emerge because of hemorrhoids volume increase, faecal extrusion during defecation, make its gradually and muscle layer separation and outside emergence anus, light person can back, patients with severe cases need to hand back.
4, mucus out of rectal mucosa long time under the influence of haemorrhoids, cause secretion, advanced hemorrhoids, anal sphincter, discharge from the anus. Light out when defecate, heavy not also natural outflow during defecation, pollution underwear.
5, the anus itching because of secretions or out the influence of the haemorrhoids, make moisture around the anus dirty, eczema and itching, itching sometimes hemorrhoids prolapse caused by reflection effect.
6, anus sudden swelling, hemorrhoids symptoms usually tiny, no bitterness, in the hemorrhoids occur, haemorrhoids abrupt swelling, outstanding, hot, have the feeling of bitterness, beat and foreign body filling.
7, simple hemorrhoids, anal suffering there is no suffering, sometimes just feeling anal belly or bowel problems. Edema, inflammation occurs when the hemorrhoids or incarcerated, often cause anal pain, uneasy to patients.
8, foreign body sensation of the anus patients can feel anal edge protrusions have foreign body sensation, when defecate is not easy to wipe, pollution underwear.